Jelle Vos

Hi! My name is Jelle (pronounced yeah-luh) and I am a PhD student at Delft University of Technology.


TU Delft, Echo, 02.310

Van Mourik Broekmanweg 5

2628 XE Delft

My research focuses on secure computation protocols using homomorphic encryption, and I am specifically interested in lattice-based cryptography. My main topics of research include secure computation compilers, private set operations, and post-quantum cryptography.

I am currently working in the cyber security group of Delft University of Technology in the faculty of EEMCS and as a remote contractor for Apple, where I work on post-quantum cryptography.

I am on the lookout for postdoc opportunities!
I will finish my PhD at the end of June 2025.


Sep 9, 2024 We released an initial version of the oraqle secure computation compiler! šŸ”
Oct 22, 2023 We won 2nd prize in the U.S. PETS Prize Challenge! šŸ„ˆ
Sep 29, 2023 I finished my internship at Apple, designing a post-quantum alternative for a popular cryptographic protocol. šŸŽ
Jul 11, 2023 Our SoK paper got accepted at IEEE S&P 2024. šŸ“–

Selected publications

  1. IEEE S&P
    SoK: Collusion-resistant Multi-party Private Set Intersections in the Semi-honest Model
    Jelle Vos,Ā Mauro Conti,Ā andĀ Zekeriya Erkin
  2. IACR eprint
    Oraqle: A Depth-Aware Secure Computation Compiler
    Jelle Vos,Ā Mauro Conti,Ā andĀ Zekeriya Erkin
    IACR Cryptol. ePrint Arch. 2024
  3. PETS
    Privacy-Preserving Membership Queries for Federated Anomaly Detection
    Jelle Vos,Ā Sikha Pentyala,Ā Steven Golob,Ā Ricardo Maia,Ā Dean F. Kelley, and 3 more authors
    Proc. Priv. Enhancing Technol. 2024